Cryogenic Machining Drastically Improves Cycle Times
Liquid nitrogen insert cooling extends insert life and allows greater use of low-cost ceramic inserts for hard turning cryogenic machining operations. Cubic boron nitride (CBN) and polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN) inserts have traditionally been the tools of choice for hard turning applications. However, many shops contemplating hard turning are turned off by their high price. A new extreme-temperature coolant method has been developed to offer longer insert life, faster cutting rates and more affordable hard turning insert options. The Icefly cryogenic machining coolant system from Air Products (Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania) delivers a jet of –320°F liquid nitrogen directly to the insert during turning operations. The liquid nitrogen raises insert hardness, which significantly reduces the thermal softening effect that an insert may experience as a result of hard turning inherent…